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トップ > 電動ガン用HOPチャンバー/パッキン > AirtechStudios MAXX HOPチャンバー用/【TDC】HOPテンショナー
メーカー別カテゴリ > AirtechStudios > AirtechStudios MAXX HOPチャンバー用/【TDC】HOPテンショナー

AirtechStudios MAXX HOPチャンバー用/【TDC】HOPテンショナー

The TDC (Top Down Centre) Trolley is designed for the Maxx Hop-up chambers to incorporate the traditional usage of M-nubs which works perfectly with the R-Hop patches to achieve an improvement in accuracy and consistency from shot to shot.

The M-nub ensures an evenly distributed force applied onto the bucking down to the RHOP patch. This in turn ensures the patch can maximize its appliance on the BB for the most stable and uniform spin for the much desired R-hop performance.


- Modifications on the slide bars on each side compared to the original. This ensures a tighter fit onto the chamber to achieve an absolute Top-down-center push of force onto the R-hop patch while preventing any tilting.

- The contact area of the front is increased by 0.5mm to cover most hop-up windows. This ensures all areas of the R-hop patch are equally pushed down. In addition, this covers more of the chamber window for an increased air seal.

- 3M adhesive incorporated at back on the M-nub for an optimum contact on the Trolley foot. This is a strong bond, however, is flexible and may be unstocked to be re-applied.

 The TDC trolley is compatible with all M4 and Scar Maxx Hop-up chambers listed below.

✔️MAXX CNC Aluminum Hop-up Chamber ME - PRO & SPORT
✔️MAXX CNC Aluminum Hop-up Chamber MI - PRO & SPORT
✔️MAXX CNC Aluminum Hop-up Chamber SV - VFC SCAR-L/H
✔️MAXX CNC Aluminum Hop-up Chamber ME - Umbrella Armory Ver.
✔️MAXX CNC Aluminum Hop-up Chamber ME - EMG Ver.

メーカー :

商品コード : TDC-MAXX-BLK(261808)
製造元 : AirtechStudios
価格 : 1,650円(税込)

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トップ > 電動ガン用HOPチャンバー/パッキン > AirtechStudios MAXX HOPチャンバー用/【TDC】HOPテンショナー
メーカー別カテゴリ > AirtechStudios > AirtechStudios MAXX HOPチャンバー用/【TDC】HOPテンショナー


